Exam 3

Numeric Data Types

Whole Numbers

  • Int: -32,768 to 32,767
  • Unsigned int - range: 0 to 65,535
  • Both are stored in 2 bytes for a total of 16 bits
  • Long - range: -2,147,483, 648 to 2,147,483,647
  • Unsigned Long - range: 0 to 4,294,967,295
  • Both are stored in 4 bytes for a total of 32 bits


  • Float range: to
  • Double command has the same range
  • Both are stored in 4 bytes, double does not add more precision on the uno but will on more complex platforms


On the Uno

  • Done via Arduino IDE - Integrated development environment
  • Programs in Arduino are called "sketches."
  • Once a sketch is completed it must be Verified (Compiled), then it can be uploaded to the device
  • Unos use AVR C which is a set of C/C++


  • Sequence
    • Executing lines one after the other
  • Selection
    • Control flow, making decisions, if/else
  • Iteration
    • Looping
  • Function
    • Name
    • Parameter List
      • Parameters must be given a name and a type
      • Functions with no parameters have empty parenthesis
    • Curly braces
    • Type of return
      • Void means return nothin
      • Type can be any C value: int, long, double, bool

Sequential Logic Circuits

  • Sequential logic circuits depend not only on the current input values, but also on the past input values
  • Often sequential logic circuits are synchronized using a clock signal
    • These are said to be synchronous


  • Most basic building block of sequential circuit
  • Have two stables states: 0 and 1
    • Stores 1 bit of information
  • Many variations exist
  • Constructed from two inverters
  • The output from inverter 1 is tied to the input of the other
  • Asynchronous inputs on an SR flip-flop do not depend on a clock pulse to affect the output

Truth Table (async)

11Not allowed

Clocked SR Latch

  • You can also attach a clock signal to trigger the SR to read the inputs when the clock indicates
  • Additionally, at times it might be necessary to clear or set the latch off of the clock
  • Difference from flip-flop
    • The latch can output high (enabled) any time the clock is high
    • The flip-flop can output high only on the edge of the clock signal to allow for precise synchronization


  • Some memory elements react to the change of the clock
  • They can be positive, or leading edge; or negative, or trailing edge, triggered
  • A delay flip-flop, or D flip-flop, is an example of an edge triggered flip-flop
  • Edge triggered has a triangle on the input
  • The flip flop samples the input on D if C is rising


  • Input resistance is infinity
  • Output resistance is zero
  • Voltage difference at input is greatly amplified by gain factor "A"
  • Saturation is called rail


  • Open-loop voltage gain: big number
  • Closed-loop voltage gain: You design a gain to be what you want it to be () (proportional to is )
  • Current gain is similar arrangement
  • Power gain is the product of and
  • Saturation is normally less than the rail power because it takes power to run the op-amp internally. It can't output as much as it gets in.


  1. Comparator:
    1. Op amp with no feedback
    2. Rails high when + input is greater than - input. Output is supply/rail maximum (saturated)
    3. Low output when - input is greater than the + input. Output is supply/rail minimum (zero or negative)
  2. Amplifier
    1. Op-amp with feedback some finite value ( is the resistor that loops from ) to the - terminal
    2. Negative feedback now allows control of the gain

Gains 2.0

  • Gain A: open-loop gain. It is internal to the op-amp. It is fixed. You can't do much with just this beyond comparing
  • Gain : This is the closed-loop gain. It is external to the op-amp and its value is designed by the engineer. It makes the open-loop gain "invisible." Closed-loop gain is much more useful since it's a lot smaller than the open-loop gain.


  1. No current flows into the input pins
  2. Through the use of negative feedback, the op-amp will ensure that both input voltages are equal. Therefore the input difference voltage equals zero.


Inverting op-amp equation

( is the feedback capacitor, is the input capacitor)

Noninverting equation

( is the feedback capacitor, is the one that runs to ground)

Voltage Follower

Voltage follower has the attached directly to the - input. This provides a lot of current gain.

  • Mainly used to improve/reduce loading effects

Summing Op-Amp

  • Using an inverting op-amp, multiple voltages can be added.


  • can vary

Differential Amplifier


  • If all resistors are equal then you get
  • Common-mode rejection is when the two inputs are the same but the output is zero.