Variation of Parameters Example

As confusing as this formula looks its actually pretty straightforward. For example take this:

The complementary solution is very normal and should be the exact same formula as complementary & particular below:

The particular solution is the stuff on the other end of the addition sign. In this example

Then you just add them to the solution:

Complementary & Particular Solutions Example

Complementary & Particular solutions are reasonably straightforward to find - consisting of just finding the eigenpair and then solving a simple system:

  1. Take this example
  2. Find a solution that looks like by paying attention to only the first matrix. This just means finding the eigenvalues and then eigenvectors & then plugging them into the formula above.
  3. Find the particular by setting the and add in the given particular section:
    1. This solves to and .
  4. Then just add that back to the original and and plug everything in:
    1. Solution:

An Imaginary Root Gives Two Real-Valued Solutions

Take eigenvalue with an eigenvector .

The eigenvalue can be turned into which can be decomposed into which using Euler's formula can be turned into . You then can foil the decomposed eigenvalue with the the values in the eigenvector. I will show the first one as an example:

Or as the top row of the vector:

If the eigenvalues are purely imaginary there might be no terms.


Suppose P is a real invertible matrix. Then has a unique equilibrium point which is:

  1. Asymptotically stable if all the eigenvalues of P have negative real parts
  2. Non-asymptotically stable if the eigenvalues of P. Are purely imaginary
  3. Unstable if at least one of the eigenvalues has positive real part

Defective Matrix

  1. This is a matrix example. First solve for the eigenvalues - if you get only one eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity 2
  2. Find the corresponding eigenvector
  3. Solve this:
  4. Lets call the solution to that
  5. Then the general solution is


Very simple: Just the Jacobian matrix some linearization factor: