Final Exam

Multivariable Calculus Final Exam Formulas

Section 1

Vector Formulas

2D Dot Product

Scalar Projection

Projection of onto

Vector Projection

Projection of onto


For limits, try to evaluate first by:

  • Plugging in (if you get a number it’s done)

  • Try squeeze theorem:

    • Find functions g(h) that sandwich X between them
    • Most often used for trig functions
  • Manipulate f by rationalization, conjugate, factorization

  • Polar coordinates (not on test 1)

  • If none of the above works, show the limit does not exist

To show doesn't exist

  • Find two curves that both go through the point (a,b) such that the limit on those curves are different


Section 2

Integration Identities

Section 3

Position Vector

The position vector is given by where position is given at any moment by. This can be plotted in 3-space to yield a curve.

Arc Length

Arc length is the integral of the position vector: where .


In general

Unit Tangent

Unit tangent is given by

Unit Normal

  • Derivative of unit tangent normalized to unit normal


Vector function:

​ Curvature is given by

Generic :

  • Always positive
  • Measures how bendy



  • To quickly calculate

    • Need:
      • Unit tangent
      • Principal unit normal
    • Find by:
      • Start with r r(t) gives space curve
      • Find derivative of R
      • Find Unit tangent
      • Find derivative of the unit tangent
      • Divide by magnitude
      • Take cross product
  • For some types of curves the curvature is the same and Binormal is constant

Normal Plane

Spanned by Normal and Binormal vectors at

Osculating Plane

Kisses space curve

Spanned by Unit Tangent and Principal unit normal at







Newtons Second Law

Where is force and is mass

Projectile Motion

Defined by

Begins with an initial velocity at time zero

Goes up at an elevation angle

Acceleration is at magnitude =

To map an initial velocity back to a vector function:

This can also be done with. This works for position after t given a starting position:

Tangential and Normal components of Acceleration


Two space curves and intersect when and

Chain Rule



Directional Derivative

Where are the components of the directional vector normalized to a unit vector

Or more generally

Second partial derivative test

If then

If , then is a saddle point

If , then is a maximum or minimum:

  • If is a local maximum
  • If is a local minimum