Quiz 6

Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

Speed of light:

Field Transformations

Fields measured in frame A to be and are found in frame B to be

Maxwell's Equations

Other Equations

Lorentz force law:

Wave equation:

Poynting vector:

Wave intensity:

Classical intensity spread:

Radiation Pressure

Incident light polarized:

Unpolarized light transmitted:

Electric Field/Magnetic Field relationship:

Light relationship:


Elementary Charge:

Mass of Electron:

Mass of Proton:

Vacuum Permittivity:

Coulomb Constant

Vacuum Permittivity Magnetism:


Double Slit

Angles of bright fringes:

Position of fringes:

Ideal double slit pattern:

Complete intensity:

Diffraction Grating

Bright and narrow fringes are at:

Single Slit

Intensity as a function of y:

Dark fringes:

Positions of dark fringes:

Width of central maximum:

Ray Optics

Pinhole Camera Relationship

Where i is image or box dimensions.

Snell's law of refraction

Where is angle from normal and .

Critical angle for total internal reflection:

Thin Lens

s is the length to lens, s' is the length to image.

Focal length equation


(m is + for upright)