Exam 2






Impedance Relationship

Convert from rad/s to frequency

First Order Filters

RC Half Power

RL Half Power

Low Pass Transfer Function (RC & RL)

Transfer function is a ratio so if you were to run through it, this would be the way it would appear:

Magnitude to DB

| | | | ---------------------- | ------------- | | 100 | 40 | | 10 | 20 | | 2 | 6 | | | 3 | | 1 | 0 | | | -3 | | | -6 | | 0.1 | -20 | | 0.01 | -40 |

Notice this follows this:

Cascaded filters can also be multiplied together.

Second Order Filters

The resonant frequency of an RLC circuit is the frequency that makes the RLC circuit equivalent impedance purely resistive.

At resonant Frequency

Quality Factor

When is less than .5 the circuit is overdamped - R is large enough to absorb any energy oscillation

When is equal to .5 the circuit is critically damped

When is more than .5 the circuit is underdamped - energy oscillations are possible


Realistic Second Order Filter

Cascaded filters are unrealistic because the second filter will change the half power frequency of the first filter. For cascaded filters, the gain of the first filter must be computed with the equivalent impedance of the 2nd filter connected to it to account for this loading effect.

Low Pass Op-Amp

High Pass Op Amp


These can actually be combined into a single band-pass filter.

Some Op-Amp Equations

Inverting Amp:

Noninverting Amp:

Voltage Follower:

Difference Amp: