Class 03/01/21

Unit 3 Continued

Basis of a Subspace

A Basis of a subspace W is a set of vectors such that

  1. Span( ) = W
  2. are linearly independent

B is a basis of W if

  1. Span(B) = W
  2. B is


Every vector z in W can be written in exactly one way as a linear combination of the vectors in a basis.


Suppose is a basis of W.





The Reduction Algorithm

Suppose Span() if is not . We can find one that is a combination of the others. If we remove that vector from the set, the span does not change. Repeating this process until the set is , we obtain a basis of W.

Extension Algorithm

Suppose are in W and they are linearly independent. Then the set can be extended to a basis of W.


Find a basis for span() where

Build a matrix with variables as columns:

Put in REF:

and are a basis for W because and are dependent.

The vectors corresponding to the columns of the REF containing leading entries form a basis for the span of the columns, which is called the column space: COL(A).


Any two basis of a subspace W have the same number of elements.


The dimension of a subspace W is the number of elements in any base of W.

Let A be a matrix. Then DIM(COL(A)) = Rank(A)


If we reduce A to a REF, the columns of A corresponding to the columns of the REF with leading entries, form a basis.

To show Basis or not Basis

Put in REF, check rank.

The Null Space

The Null space of a matrix A is the set of solutions of the system :




Suppose A is , then COL(A) is a subspace of of , and NULL(A) is a subspace of .


Rank(A) = DIM(COL(A))

Nullity = DIM(NULL(A))