Class 02/22/21

Unit 3

Inverse Matrix

  • Only for square matrix

Let A be . The inverse of A is a matrix B satisfying the following properties

We denote it



General Formula

For matrix , the inverse is

The inverse exists provided that

Suppose exists, where A is .

  • Consider
  • Multiply by : =
  • Therefore, if exists then the system has a unique solution which for any


The following statements are equivalent (all true or false) for that is :

  • exists
  • Has a solution for all
  • Has only the trivial solution
  • The RREF of A is

Suppose has a solution for all . Let be the column of the identity matrix. Let be the solution of

To find :

Reduce it to:


Recall . Suppose exists: .

Then .



Note, if (i,e, is symmetric)

If A is symmetric, then


A subspace a set of vectors of satisfying:

  • Is closed under addition: if and are in . Then is in .
  • Is closed under scalar products: if is in and a is a scalar, then is in

Note: is closed under linear combinations

Note: is in every subspace

Subspaces of

  1. Each line through the origin is a subspace
  2. Is a subspace of - trivial subspace
  3. The whole space, , is also a subspace


is a subspace